Digital Design

ProRep Website

I built the ProRep website using WordPress. It was released in early 2017 signifying a massive leap forward in every respect. It needed to show the new ProRep branding whilst also enticing users deeper into the site to find out more about our products whilst being completely responsive as being an B2C website, mobile devices were a major consideration.

The banners on the site are large, colourful ‘fading’ banners that promote a few of the product ranges within ProRep’s catalogue of products. The styling of the site needed to be colourful, so to have impact but also to look natural, easy to use and clean / concise too. I used a mega Menu system with attractive background imagery for effect which sets the site apart from others in this market.

The website also features email list join options, cookie notification, sliding product advertising on the homepage and product pages, a nearest retailer system using Google maps, an expandable news page, downloadable resources and uses Google Analytics reporting in the background which I monitor. I also implemented a retailer sign up form, so the retailers of ProRep products can submit the appropriate details to appear to the end user, on the site.

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